Make It Real: June 2011

Question: Should Christians try to avoid speaking on political or moral issues when their discussion would probably offend someone?

As a believer we are called to be ambassadors for God’s Kingdom as well as ministers of reconciliation. We have to speak the truth of God’s Word in love, even if some are offended. The key to speaking what God declares in His Word is to have a great love for your audience. Jesus loved the leaders of His day enough to not only rebuke them publicly that they might repent, but His love was revealed by His choice to die for them. We must love our nation and neighbors enough to share the truth of God’s Word with them as we in tangible ways demonstrate that love. The church (which consists of all the people who are born again of the Holy Spirit) should never debate and argue when they speak God’s truths. The Bible instructs us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. We are to stand firm on the convictions that have come into our hearts based on the reading of God’s Word and the convicting presence of the Holy Spirit. However, we must understand that according to God’s Word, those who are not seeking truth and desiring to know God will not understand your point of view. The mind of the unbeliever is not able to comprehend the truths of God’s Word. Spirit led witnessing is so important. As people accept Jesus as Savior they can begin to discern truth from error.

My main concern for the believer is that they study God’s Word and they know what they believe. We should come to unity of thought when we truly study to be approved by God. Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, He is Truth. When we rationalize the Word and make it say what benefits our situation instead of what the true intention of God was in declaring His truth, thereby we open the door to fall into deception. The one, who speaks with the right heart and the anointing of God, can be used mightily to bring unity to the body of Christ. Paul boldly declares to the Galatians that they have fallen into error. Because he loved them enough to speak a difficult truth into their situation, he keeps many from falling into legalism. We must love God and our fellow believers enough to speak even the most difficult of truths. If they choose not to listen or they think that you are mistaken, then in time God will reveal who was actually in error.

Politically we are challenged to speak out so that our representatives know that we are Christians and we can only support those policies that do not trample on the laws of God. For example, the Word of God is so clear on issues such as supporting and blessing Israel. Our very nation will be cursed if we do not bless Israel. This is a spiritual law that is repeated throughout the Bible. The Book of Revelation is the concluding book of the Holy Bible and it reveals the return of Christ to his beloved Israel. Likewise, we must stand up for the Biblical mandate for the life of the unborn. We have been silent too long and now we are reaping the results of our silence. Our nation is at a time of extreme crisis as ungodliness is increasing. I urge believers to speak out while they still have time to do so freely. And when that season of time closes, then we will have to speak out boldly even if it brings persecution. We will stand before the Lord one day and be held accountable for every word we have spoken as well as every word that we should have spoken. The Bible is clear that if we deny Christ, He will deny us before His Father.
My prayer is that you will spend time in the presence of the Lord and learn of His ways. Study His Word to be approved by God. Repent for lack of knowledge that has opened a door for satan to sift you as wheat. And then join me as we boldly and lovingly declare the Word of our Lord.


Joy Comes In The Morning

sm-book-img Joy Comes in the Morning  is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00

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