Make It Real November 2010

Question: I really desire to live for God but I find myself unable to stop an addictive behavior that the world considers normal (I am asking help to stop masturbation). Can you help me? I have tried to stop but feel compelled to continue in this sinful behavior.

Answer: As human beings with a fleshly fallen nature, there is a tendency to give in to our flesh and continue the habits from our past. First let me state that we do not follow the lower standards of the world. When you feel the convicting influence of the Holy Spirit, do not try to justify the sin habit that results in conviction. The world justifies their sin by labeling it as normal behavior. It is a lie that if something does not affect others, then it is not a sin. For one thing all bondage opens the door for the enemy (Satan) to oppress and torment us. If you study Romans chapters 5-8, you will find Paul struggling with the human condition of slavery to sin. I believe that the answer to your freedom can be found with a sincere study and then application of these passages of Scripture.

Let me encourage you as a Christian to study these scriptures to be approved and to know the acceptable will of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you concerning the bondage that you find yourself struggling against. You will discover that Jesus loved you when you were fully emerged in your sinful nature. He is not upset with your sin problem- nor shocked by it. He has however made a way of escape from the struggle that you face. It is for freedom from bondage that Jesus died for you. His desire is for you to allow His perfect (unconditional love) to bring you into the revelation that God is your loving Father.

In Romans 5 we find the truth of Jesus Christ paying the penalty for all of our sin. He has made a way for us to be reconciled with God by taking the sin issue out of the equation. This passage of scripture reveals that where sin abounds, in Christ grace abounds more abundantly than the sin. In other words, no matter how powerful the pull to sin and the guilt of condemnation, Jesus paid for grace to be poured into the situation. Grace is the power and might of God to bring us into total victory as overcomers.

The real issue in fighting the sinful act of masturbation (or any sinful habit for that matter) is recognizing that Christ has paid for the sin and satan has no right to condemn us and torment us. We have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness. The issue that you must really deal with is not the sin, but the unbelief that keeps you practicing sin. Your issue is unbelief. Your question should be reworded to say, God help my unbelief in the victory that you have already accomplished against this evil habit.

A study of Romans 6 will reveal that you must reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ. You are to serve Christ with the newness of the spirit (your human spirit now being alive with the Holy Spirit presence actually living inside of you). This sin issue is not a problem for God. A starting point for victory is the process of renewing your mind. You must transition from a works and performance (what must I do) mentality to an understanding by faith that Jesus has already accomplished the victory over sin. In our fallen nature we can not comprehend a life of yielding and obeying God. Instead, we try to work or accomplish through human effort those things for which Christ had to die to set us free. As we reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ, we now yield to the grace (power from God) to stop sin from reigning in our mortal bodies. He empowers us to say no to giving into our lusts (the areas where lusts of the flesh controls our actions). As in Romans 6: 12-13, we now make the decision to refuse giving our thought life and actions over to the enemy to use our bodies for his perverted pleasure. If we walk in faith then verse 14 is a reality in our life and sin does not rule over us. This passage of scripture continues to reinforce the concept that we have a choice not to be slaves to unrighteousness. To truly not serve the enemy, we must make the choice to serve God. In verse 22 it states: But now having been set free from sin, and having been enslaved to God, you have fruit unto sanctification and the end everlasting life.

Being free from sin is a revelation of the work of Jesus Christ and not accomplished by our efforts to do better or try harder. We must spend time reading the Word of God and asking the Holy Spirit to make these Words real in our hearts. In Romans 7 we understand that as long as we continue to try to obey the Law with our performance and works, then we still operate under the Law. We cannot enter into the new covenant relationship (compared with a marriage in verse 2-3) with Jesus Christ and His working in us through grace to overcome all evil. When we fluctuate between working and striving to fulfill the Law to please God, we actually raise the old man with his sin nature out of the grave. Then we wonder why we can’t overcome in certain areas of our life. We have to receive grace as a free gift from our new Husband. He is the One to stop the devourer. We are the ones who submit and obey as we yield to the Holy Spirit. Romans chapter 7 continues to detail the dilemma that man finds himself in if he doesn’t die to the mentality of works and effort. Romans chapter 7 concludes with the wretchedness of being pulled into the sinful acts of the flesh that we desire not to do. However the answer to this dilemma is found in Romans chapter 8.

We find that condemnation loses its tormenting power when we recognize that we are those led by the Holy Spirit and not the flesh. The Law of the Spirit of life sets us free from the Law of sin and death. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring you into the Law of the Spirit. He is the One who has to accomplish this finished work in your life. You can’t do it. You need only to agree that it needs to be done and then yield and obey the Holy Spirit. In verse 13 you are required to put to death the practices of the flesh ruling in your life. You accomplish this by yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When you believe in your heart (spirit) that God really does love you with an everlasting love, then His love will take the spirit of fear out of your life which will lead to the spirit of slavery losing its power to torment you. When you enter into the revelation that God is your loving Father (abba) then you will be free from fear that enslaves you to trying to work and perform to please God. Ask the Holy Spirit to do this work in your life. Spend time meditating on the Word of God with the intention to know God. Listen to music that ushers you into the presence of God and delight yourself in God.

Remember your victory is not based on your actions to stop sinning. Your victory is determined by your choice to believe God’s Word and love for you above the lies and disappointments that have caused you to not know God. As you taste and see that God is good and that His mercy is extended towards you, the sin issues in your life will lose their power to hold you. Run after God now and repent and renounce the sin issues. Trust in God to do His work of setting you free, as you spend your energy in developing a loving relationship with Him. God bless as you yield to the Holy Spirit and watch Him take what satan meant to destroy your walk with God and use it to bring you into a deeper understanding and love for your God.


Joy Comes In The Morning

sm-book-img Joy Comes in the Morning  is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00

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